Angry at BRAY’s speech, THE GUARDIAN decrees that he will be executed and that TRUDY will be the one to do it. LEX and EBONY make contact with the Mall Rats, and MAY suggests a new course of action to SALENE.
Hosted by Lance.
Panel members consisting of Liz, Sabine and Karlan.
Episode research conducted by Matt and Lance.
[00:00] Episode intro and summary
[01:48] Trudy and the Guardian clash!
[9:31] Trudy is forced to kill Bray. Any sympathy?
[19:29] The chain-gang / Chosen prisoners
[32:36] Lex’s romantic gesture
[38:44] Salene begs Trudy to spare Bray’s life
[47:50] The execution of Bray
[55:40] The rescue
[1:05:28] The Guardian’s pettiness – Bray and Dal dead?
[1:09:55] Tai San’s philosophy
[1:12:26] Just how aware was Luke of the Guardian’s mishandling of Trudy?
[1:21:18] Salene’s decision to join the Chosen
[1:30:56] Bray spots Amber’s ring around Pride’s neck