The Mall Rats prepare to re-capture THE GUARDIAN, inadvertantly leaving both TAI-SAN and EBONY with a moral dilemma. PRIDE tracks down a heartbroken MAY, whilst LUKE leaves ELLIE a goodbye note.
Hosted by Lance.
Panel members consisting of Liz and Sabine.
Episode research conducted by Matt and Lance.
[00:00] Introduction
[01:54] The plan to recapture The Guardian
[06:29] Amber tells Pride to not leave May heartbroken
[11:19] The ambush!
[24:01] Cloe and Trudy reflect (kinda)
[32:20] Scumbag Pride
[47:11] Luke’s “dear John” letter for Ellie
[54:14] Ebony and her secrets
[1:02:08] The master spider weaves her web