EBONY enlists JACK’s help to make use ot the stolen Techno communicator, while RAM metes out punishment for its disappearance. CLOE has it bad for PRIDE, and AMBER makes a decision about her future.

Hosted by Lance.
Panel members consisting of Liz, Sabine and Maggie.
Episode research conducted by Matt and Lance.

Throw us a donation at https://buymeacoffee.com/thetribe.co.uk.

[00:00] Introduction
[01:42] Ellie refuses to mourn Alice
[10:24] Ram toys with both Jay and Ved
[16:05] Predator Lex
[29:46] Ambers vows to return to the Gaians
[38:08] Salene and Pride bond
[46:32] Ceremony for the lost
[56:55] Saying goodbye to Jack (for now)